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Welcome to the New Site!

The Brass Band Results website was created in 2009, and it's been showing its age for a while. Following several library upgrades over the years, the site was creaking around the edges and bits of it started breaking. It was past the time that something was done about this.

To sort out the various problems, I decided to rewrite the site from scratch, using modern technology, and modern commercial software techniques. After over a year's work, this site is the result.

For those who understand this sort of thing, it's using Java, Spring Boot and Docker and is deployed as an Azure App Service.

I hope you'll agree that it's more consistent than before, and allows easier access to the same information. There are a few new pages around the site which I'll highlight in coming blog entries, but feel free to have a look around and see what you can find. As before we have the same split:

One of the key innovations in this new site is intended to reduce the amount of feedback we get: anyone with an account can edit contest results until two weeks after the contest took place. This means that you can easily and quickly add more detail to your results including conductors and points. Another key change is that a band can only have one result for a contest. No more will there be multiple entries for the same band, each with part of the detail.

We hope you enjoy using the new site. If you have any comments, suggestions, or you're missing something that the site used to do, please put your comment into the feedback box and we'll see what we can sort out.

Thanks for your support.

Tim Sawyer, August 2023.

Printed from https://brassbandresults.co.uk/